mommy, what's that a picture of?
oh, that's a picture of mommy's belly and daddy when baby sister was still inside.
oh (thoughtful face), ok.
12:30pm (aka, "quiet/rest" time):
mommy, my baby was in your belly?
(oh please don't ask me if you were in my belly because i have a kinda big lump in my throat right now. there are so many important things to get across to you, and i need to find the right words. EEK!) yes.
and then she came out like this (wild explosion gesture)?
yep, pretty much.
oh. that's nunny, mommy. hee hee.
(whew, but thinking hard because i know this convo will happen again sometime.)
mommy, was my baby in your belly?
(uh, oh. i needed a little more time, son.) yes.
yes, and when she came out she got to be your baby then, too.
oh. that's nice. i like my baby.
do you remember when she was sooo little and a tiny baby?
i don't want to talk about that right now. i'm trying to sleep. (grin)
ok. night, night then.
obviously, got some thinking to do before this cutie asks more questions. he seems to understand that he was born in korea, but i know he can't grasp it all yet. hopefully we'll have the right words to tell the story when he wants to know more.
hope you're having a thought-provoking day too!